Affiliate Info

Earn $25 when you refer a new vendor (business or brand in the cannabis industry). The vendor must sign up via your special tracking link (ex. High On Merch reserves the right to disqualify any referrals that do not meet our standards as a vendor.

To sign up, log into your vendor dashboard and then select “Become an affiliate” from the options to the left.

Fill out the form and submit it.

To get your special referral link click “Affiliate Stats,” scroll down and then copy and paste the “vendor registration” url

Click “GENERATE” and you will see your new special affiliate link.

How to use your link:

We recommend sending an email or text with the special link included in the message. Try and think of any contacts you have in the industry that would benefit from having their own free High On Merch store and send them a message. Social media Direct Messages or posts are also very effective as long as you have a significant amount of relevant connections that might be interested and you can share the special clickable link.

Make sure to remind them to sign up via clicking on that special link. That is the only way we can track and verify your referrals.

Email Template (feel free to modify):


We recently signed up as a vendor with High On Merch, a new online marketplace that sells branded T-shirts, hats, and other apparel from businesses in the cannabis industry. It allows us to offer a huge selection of styles, colors, and sizes with our logos on it without having to deal with all of the upfront costs and inventory. It’s totally free and they do all of the work. We get paid a royalty for our merch that sells and never have to worry about getting stuck with the stuff that doesn’t.

If you’d love to have your own free online merch store that you don’t even have to manage, we highly recommend you visit the following link for more detail:

(Paste your special link)